1. Get an Application Form from:
    - BENGIS Service Centre at Ministry of Lands, Survey and Solid Minerals along Beach Road Markurdi, Benue State.
    - Tel: +234 708 064 0436
    - Or Download the Form from our website under INFORMATION>Download Forms Section
  2. Prepare copies of the following documents to process your application
    • For Individuals:
      • One Passport sized photograph
      • Copy of National Identity Card or International Passport or Driving License or Voters Card
      • Evidence of Tax payment or current Tax clearance Certificate

        ** Follow the outlined steps in the link to get your Tax Clearance Certificate from Benue State Internal Revenue Service (BIRS)

      • Survey Map or TDP or Coordinates or Site Plan*
      • Sales Agreement or Deed of Conveyance/Assignment/Transfer or Allocation Letter or Customary Grant or Deed of Gift or Inheritance Document or Letter of Administration
      • Utility Bill
      • Court Affidavit (for lost or stolen documents)
      • If you are Using an Authourized Representative, a signed letter/ form, and photo ID is required.
    • For company/organization:
      • Corporate Seal
      • Corporate Affairs Commision (CAC) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
      • Copy of National Identity Card or International Passport or Driving License or Voters Card for Corporate Representative/Contact Person
      • Evidence of Tax payment or current Tax clearance Certificate for Corporation

        ** Follow the outlined steps in the link to get your Tax Clearance Certificate from Benue State Internal Revenue Service (BIRS)

      • Survey Map or TDP or Coordinates or Site Plan*
      • Sales Agreement or Deed of Conveyance/Assignment/Transfer or Allocation Letter or Customary Grant or Deed of Gift or Inheritance Document or Letter of Administration
      • Utility Bill
      • Court Affidavit (for lost or stolen documents)

    - All application forms are completely free of charge. Complete and correctly fill out the form and Sign before submitting
    - Stared (*) Documents are Optional

  3. Pay a non-refundable application processing fee depending on the land usage requested

    Processing Fees

    1. Residential (Land Form 1A + Deposits (Residential Application) ₦23,000
    2. Commercial (Land Form 1B + Deposits Commercial Application) ₦40,000
    3. Industrial (Land Form 1C + Deposits Industrial Application) ₦55,000
    4. Agric. Farmlands (Land Form 1D + Deposits Agric. Farmlands Application) ₦35,000

    Additional Fees

    1. C of O Fee (Residential) ₦100/m2
    2. C of O Fee (Commercial) ₦150/m2
    3. Government Survey Fee ₦50/m2

    for Ground Rent fees visit INFORMATION>fees Section

    Payment Methods:
    • You are expected to pay this amount or any other bill by coming to BENGIS Service Centre where a Remita Reference Number (RRR code) will be generated for you, then you are to pay into any Commercial Bank using the RRR code.
    • You can also Pay directly at the BENGIS Service Centre

    All Fees are obtained from Benue State Revenue Law as amended on 21 February 2022 ( See Pages 256-265)

  4. Submit the duly completed Application Form directly to the Customer Service located at BENGIS Service Centre; with the following document
    • Evidence/proof of payment of Application processing fee. the rest the fees will be paid when an invoice is issued to the applicant
    • All application document in step 2

    NOTE: Upon submission of the application form, applicants whose documents have been cleared will be provided with “Acknowledgment Letter” that carries the file number and the Name of the applicant

  5. An Acknowlegement will be printed and signed for all successful Applicants whose documents have been cleared
    while Applicants whose documents aren’t cleared will be issued an Incomplete Application Notice telling them of the affected document(s) to be rectified.
  6. Survey Reports will be vetted and cleared by the Cadastral Unit and then plotted and saved into the System
  7. Applicants will be given an Invoice Number (generated from the system) through which they can pay
  8. All successful Applicants will be notified via the contact information given on the application form.

    Applicant must bring the documents listed below for C of O collection.

    • Valid means of identification,
    • Evidence of payment of application fee
  9. After paying all required fees, the applicant will be alerted about successful processing and will be able to visit the BENGIS Service Centre Makurdi to collect the C of O in person or via their Representative.
  10. For further information Contact Benue Geographic Information Service (BENGIS) Service Centre:
    Office Hours: 8am - 4pm; Moday to Friday
    Call:+234 708 064 0436 or
    or visit our website at
  11. We aim to process submitted applications for C of O within 22 Working Days.

    Signed: Hon. Commisioner of Lands, Survey & Solid Minerals

Last Updated 22 Dec 2023

Download Guidelines for Obtaining C of O


Number of C of O Issued from January 2019 to December 2021